Your prior learning and experience may help you get your degree or certificate faster at GBCC!
Only courses taken at GBCC will be used to calculate the cGPA. 一个被录取的学生,如果提供证据支持在一门或多门适用于学生学习计划的课程中接受教育,可以要求评估学分和经验,并将其应用于毕业要求. Final determination of transferability rests with the Vice President of Academic Affairs. 获得先进标准的方法有:
- 转学分政策
- Awarding college credit for military training, experience and course work
- 大学水平考试计划(CLEP)
- 考试学分(质疑)
- 先前学习经验学分(PLA)
- 先修课程(AP)学分
- NOCTI (National Occupational Competency Testing Institute)
- 第一年研讨会等效性
- 大学录取学生自主学习
- 入学学生定向学习
Any student who pursues advanced standing in a program via transfer credit, CLEP, AP, 考试学分或先前学习学分, 或者两者的结合, 必须符合GBCC的居住要求.
Students may transfer credits earned at other accredited institutions, 包括各种学院和大学, 空军社区学院, Armed Services Education Experiences as outlined in the Armed Services Evaluation Guide, 和USAFI课程, 大海湾项目所要求的主要课程. 学生有责任向学院提供所就读机构的正式学术课程成绩单, 还有一份来自每个机构的目录,上面有需要转学分的课程描述. 学院认为在性质和内容上与大湾课程相当的课程,成绩达到C或以上的学生将被接受. Final determination of transferability rests with the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Students seeking degrees or certificates at Great Bay must fulfill residency requirements. 学生必须至少有60个学分才能完成学位,并且必须完成他或她的学术课程的所有必修课程. 转学三门数学或科学课程或英语110大学作文I的学生可能需要参加额外的选修课程以达到学位学分的最低要求.
Students with foreign transcripts must submit the following for transfer credit review:
Great Bay values and respects the contributions and sacrifices made by our service men and women. 这项政策认可他们的服务和知识, skills and experience gained while in service to the nation. 这项政策概述了承认军事教育和训练并授予适当学分的过程.
- College credit will be granted to students with military training, experience or coursework that is recognized by the American Council on Education (ACE).
- 任何寻求军事经历学分的学生都将尽快向招生办公室提交他或她的军事成绩单的硬拷贝以进行审查和评估.
- Great Bay将使用美国教育委员会(ACE)的《冰球突破豪华版试玩》来评估和授予军事训练的学分, 经历与课程.
- 如果是军事训练的课程, 经验或课程工作是相当的,并且满足接收机构的通识教育或专业课程或学位课程的要求, the credit should count towards graduation and meet a requirement accordingly. Otherwise, appropriate course credit, including open elective course credit, will be granted.
以前在特定学科领域有学术经验的学生可以选择通过参加被称为CLEP的国家标准化考试来获得学分. 大湾是经批准的CLEP测试地点, providing examinations in the areas of Composition and Literature, 外语, 社会科学, History, 科学与数学. A complete list of the CLEP exams accepted for credit by the College, 并附上相应的课程名称和学分, is available in CAPS (学术规划中心 and Support) and at CLEP Testing.
Successful completion of a CLEP exam is treated as a transfer credit. Any student completing a CLEP exam must request that CLEP scores be sent to the College for review. The request is made to the College Board and can be done during or after the exam. Acceptance of CLEP exams for transfer credits will be based on the following criteria:
- The student has earned a passing score as defined by the College Board and 冰球突破豪华版试玩.
- The student has been accepted into a program at the College.
- There is a course within the student’s program of study that is equivalent to the CLEP exam.
虽然CLEP学分计入毕业, CLEP scores at not calculated into a student’s GPA or in any way interpreted as a grade. Additionally, CLEP credits may not be applied towards GBCC’s twenty-five percent residency requirement. 学生不能因为已经成功完成的课程或比考试科目更高级的课程而转移CLEP学分. 任何未通过GBCC课程并希望参加CLEP考试以获得学分而不是重修课程的学生必须意识到,其原始成绩将保留在其成绩单上,并将计算在GPA中. The CLEP exam score does not replace a grade for a GBCC course. Students should speak with their academic advisor if they have questions regarding this process. CLEP考试通过学术规划和支持中心在计算机上进行(CLEP CBT). For further information, contact the CAPS Liaison at 603-427-7621.
不是所有的课程都适合 审查信贷. 个别院系将负责决定一门课程是否有资格通过考试获得学分. Credit by examination may be earned only by a matriculated student who, by study, 在CCSNH学院以外的培训或经验已获得与在学院注册的学生所获得的技能或知识相当的技能或知识. A student is eligible for a maximum of sixteen (16) credits through 审查信贷. 学生须按委员会规定缴交考试费用.
如果学生通过了考试, 使用由各部门制定的标准, appropriate credits shall be applied to the student’s academic record, and a notation will be entered on the student’s transcript indicating successful completion. 因为传统的等级(a - f)不被输入, the Credit By Exam is not calculated into the student’s GPA. 如果学生考试不及格, 学业成绩单上没有任何条目, but a record of the unsuccessful completion will be maintained in the student’s file. 未通过该学分考试的学生将没有资格参加该课程的其他学分考试.
学生应填写教务处提供的表格,并与课程主席或协调员会面,讨论通过考试获得学分的问题. Final approval must be provided by the Vice President of Academic Affairs. No exam will be issued until all fees are paid and all approvals have been obtained. 考试日期将由管理考试的教练决定,并将在教练批准之日起30天内进行.
先前学习学分为学生提供了一个展示通过生活经验获得的知识的机会,并将这些知识应用于学位或证书课程的学分. 为这个选项做准备, the student must develop a portfolio to be assessed by appropriate college personnel. A student must be matriculated to be eligible to apply for experiential credit. 并不是所有的课程都提供体验学分选项, 学生们应该咨询他们的项目主席. Students may be awarded a maximum of 24 credits for experiential learning.
先前学习学分的申请应由学生希望获得课程学分的课程的主席或协调员提出. 经过初步讨论, the student should submit the appropriate approval form available in the Academic Affairs Office. 批准, 学生必须开发一个证明课程目标和能力实现的作品集. The portfolio must contain at minimum a cover letter and resume, 丰富的工作经验, 雇主来信, 完成证书, 工作样本, 以及其他被认为适当的信息. The responsibility of proof will be on the student requesting evaluation. The completed portfolio is reviewed by an appropriate faculty member, 系主任, 以及教务处副主席.
对于希望探索正常课程未涵盖但与学生课程相关的学科领域的入学学生,可以提供学分独立学习的机会. Independent study is not available to non-matriculated students. 被录取的学生的cGPA必须不低于2分.0才有资格独立学习. 通常为1-2个学分, an independent study may not be done in lieu of any course existing in Great Bay’s catalog. The final approval rests wiht the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
在某些情况下, a matriculated student may take a course in a semester during which the course is not offered. 定向学习允许被录取的学生在合格教师的指导下独立地追求课程公布的学习目标和成果. 被录取的学生的平均绩点必须至少达到2分.0才有资格参加定向研究. 学生必须提供令人信服的理由,说明为什么该课程不能在随后的学期中学习,或者在最初提供的学期中没有学习. 除特殊情况外, a directed study will not be granted for a course currently being offered. The final approval rests with the Vice President of Academic Affairs.